
  1. Sambusa Recipe using FancyMiracle 5.5 L Air Fryer

    Sambusa Recipe using FancyMiracle 5.5 L Air Fryer

    Guilt-free fried food.

    One of our celebrations for Ramadan is the tasty and delicious recipes. Middle East kitchen has some common dishes, such as sambusa, kabsa,...

    Sambusa and fries are such dishes that can make us feel guilty and unhealthy. Today, no more fats in our food with "FancyMiracle 5.5L Air Fryer”

     One of our favorite dishes on Ramadan Iftar is sambusa. It is one of the most popular recipes among the traditional dishes in Saudi Arabia during Ramadan.

    As we all know, sambusa can include a high amount of oil & fats. That's why FancyMiracle 5.5L Air Fryer is here!

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  2. Products that save your time & energy during Ramadan

    Products that save your time & energy during Ramadan

    Cooking appliances to prepare your kitchen for Ramadan

    Looking for a more organized kitchen that saves your energy and time during Ramadan days. We all know that the kitchen is the busiest place at that time of the year. So, we all need to have some tools and products that save our preparing and cooking time in Ramadan.

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  3. Get your kitchen ready for Ramadan

    Get your kitchen ready for Ramadan

    Get your kitchen ready for Ramadan with some cooking necessities.

    Ramadan! That time of the year is almost here again. Ramadan is the time to perform more ibadah and enjoy its blessings but also need time to prepare meals for suhoor and iftar.

    Let’s face it, Ramadan is not a food festival. Today we will help you prioritize your plans and get ready for the holy month. 

    Prepare your kitchen with important kitchenware such as:

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  4. Be Ramadan Ready with Citruss

    Be Ramadan Ready with Citruss

    This year your Ramadan is very special.

    Now, shop your favorite kitchen appliances at the best price and get a discount up to 60% off as well as promotions and gifts from Citruss world of shopping. 

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  5. A better sleep with Rigoros cool gel pillow

    A better sleep with Rigoros cool gel pillow

    Ideal design for more comfortable sleep.

    At the end of an exhausting day we all are seeking a comfy and cool sleep night to get the most relaxation we need. It is true that a good pillow is your key to getting relaxed sleep. But to choose that pillow you need to think a lot to find the best one especially with all the options we find these days.

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  6. Keep your home organized with Rigoros Living Box

    Keep your home organized with Rigoros Living Box

    Be more organized with the best packing experience.

    Keeping our houses clean and tidy is such a dream for all of us that an unorganized house is a problem which needs a lot of expenses to solve. Nowadays, who doesn't seek to get rid of the messy and cluttered spaces in their houses?

    Now it is time to end all the mess inside or outside your house.

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  7. Maklouba recipe using Relance Cookware

    Maklouba recipe using Relance Cookware

    Good food gives a good mood.

    Arab food is known for its delicious taste. Today we have an upside-down recipe which is known as Maklouba. It’s originally from the Middle East. Maklouba is a mouth-watering dish that takes no time to cook, because with Relance Cookware Set you have your own exclusive pot that is designed specifically for the Maklouba recipe. This pot comes with a high quality material which offers you super cooking results.

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